

Saturday, 16 April 2016

The Dream

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what is dream
Dream is an idea or series of feelings, emotions, thoughts, succession of images, vision or sensations happens while sleeping. 
Dreaming is a type of another world of surrounding but not in control. Dream may be is a creation of imagination or activities of real life but is not real. 

Dream is like a movie plays in your soul and mind during sleeping. It occurs when you are unable involuntarily in sleep. In sleep, brain range activity is higher till awake but not willingly. 
It is not pre-planned series of Dream as it is like as live transmission. Dreams are memorable and unmemorable. Dream cannot be resumed but it can be repeated are reminded or revised. 
Some dreams, may be naturally quickly forgotten by you and unable to revise it before others. Meanwhile, some scenes of your dreams, may be played before others as you have watched in dreams.
bad dream

Some kind dreams may be pleasant or lovely for you, these good dreams are from Allah. Dreams may be terrible or bad which cause a trouble for you and as per Islamic concept, when terrible dream plays by devil (Shaitan), and suddenly eyes open, follow spitting action on your left side because it is brought to you by devil (Shaitan).  

    Moreover, many dreams also happen due to results of reminders which have been acted during past times. The time period of dreams may be very lengthy and sometimes the length of dream consists on few seconds. 

    It is also observed that sometimes, dream having duration of few seconds, stables you like many days and when you awake, you calculate your sleeping time, and can tell about that you have watched dream many incidents in a dream of few seconds. 

    The types of dreams, relate such as sexual enhancement, adventurer incidents, magical or frightening, emotional. Often we make any planning for something and resultant, dreams cloud appear before us and it happens as dream then we want really interpret of our dreams with pleasant results of dreams. Dream may be personal and want to be discussed before only authentic person who will not make a fun of your dream. 
    true dream

    Often following dreams are discussed among people as under:
    • It was raining in my dream.
    • I was searching my mom but unable to speak with my tongue. 
    • black cat, slope house, pregnancy, having sex with adult, fighting with each others, reading in class, studying book, working in office etc.
    • Me driving fast on road, met with road accident and parts of body have been fractured. Doctor operated in Hospital but all of sudden eyes open but I thank " Oh my God, thank God! Save me God!
    •  Dreams about flying and little boy standing before wolf was in jungle but he wants to fly and succeeded to fly towards blue sky.
    • Weeping in dreams and when eyes open, it feels that I was weeping in real.
    If we face a bad dreams in every night, we are frightened and others become doubtful due to which they look to find psychiatrists. Reference to find about that is on website: https://www.psychologytoday.com/

    Under the circumstances, it is hereby concluded that some dreams always help us for deciding a good plan for best future in life and how is possible to avoid from hardships and we like to better understand due to which dreams teach us that we should make better dreams. If we are dreamers, we should to galvanize our thoughts to avoid famous as canaille. so, don't sadantary! become hobnob of realities of life. Twee always give protection from cold, wherefore, you do not become as exasperate. If you follow the such tips to success of future, you can say that you have earned ideal dream.

    (post by Sajid Khuram)


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