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"Art of beautiful wooden handicraft items, manufactured in "Sillanwali" Sargodha (Pakistan)".

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Nikah is a gift of Allah. Wedding life, which legalize to be celebrated "relationship".

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Beautiful eyes, deserve for what style of glasses.

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No Fear! Police is your friend. How to know about departmental action against Police or about Police performance.

How to learn typing skills on key board or a computer:

Click here to learn typing skills and be faster in typing. You should learn its basic rules to become a "typing master" having good accuracy and speed.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Sunglasses Collection-The Eyes have Sunglasses

Sunglasses Collection-The Eyes have Sunglasses

To protect your eyes from UV Rays in sunshine, you have to use sunglasses. Its usage reduces glare and sunglasses always helpful for skin cancer. Here are some beautiful sunglasses style for you.

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(by Sajid Khuram)

Monday 16 May 2016

How to solve WiFi Issues

"Tips to know WiFi working problems"

Wi-Fi router is easily used without any attached or bounded wire with your device which gives you a helpful freedom connection to use internet. Sometimes, WiFi does not work due to some critical issues or its common problems are caused to disturb your net. Just needs to follow some useful tricks to make smooth flow internet connection by using WiFi signal in router range. Here are given solution quotes:

  • When WiFi signal are visible but your device not working, then check your device settings immediately to get rid of no signal problem.
  • If you use your laptop or cell phone, then check WiFi button and confirm whether it is on or off that will allow to work.
  • If you are working since long hours, you should restart your device as well as reboot wireless router by unplugging till 20 to 30 seconds.
  • If your are facing that your internet signals stop working, you should check that all lights of device or router and modem are properly powered on and notify that no power or data cable are unplugged.
  • If your device working properly but unable to receive signal from router, then follow the factory restore settings and start again, it will fine.
  • When slow WiFi problem still stable, fortunately, it may be frustrating and you will have to re-examine to avoid from slow connection errors. 
  • If you have your own Wi-Fi Network at home, you should make it secure from the others OR we can say that do not tell WiFi password and step by step change this because many users of wifi can slow down your net speed.
  • Slow WiFi problems also required to update router's firmware randomly.
  • Make practice to upgrade WiFi router after some months.
  • In case of weak signal strength, search out useful tricks from sources. 
  • If your WiFi modem is placed nearby microwave oven, monitor, heat up items or some oily places, then relocate it at once.
  • Change WiFi antenna, if still facing issues.
  • 24 hours power on of WiFi modem may be not useful for its electronic system, so if feel free, power off for some hours.
(Written by Sajid Khuram)

Sunday 8 May 2016

Motivational Quotes For Students

Unique Things Intelligent Students Do;

intelligent students quotes

They adopt mindsets habit to grow up their senses throughout the corners of eyes by thinking to erase errors from their educational lifestyle. They come to surface calmly to get exams back for success. Top students make its look smooth and flexible.

Exactly, I am taking on the topic of Intelligent Students who target a goal and step to stop crises of failure in exams. Think in question that why we do not realize or why we don't sort out a positive collection of high level performance to make perfect student in classroom. Just popular academic performance need to go throughout the manners should be adopted by intelligent student. So, here are some unique things to be good students below: 

teacher student relation good

  • They make keen attention in classroom to their lectures.

If you go to school or college on daily basis without missing any period of your class, you should make habit to listen lecture announced by your teacher. In class room, you may note all things to do it again at home. In case, anything not to be understood by your in question, you have to decide to solve issue at homework practice.   

  • They do homework regularly.

It is thing to keep in mind that, in college, your home work is marked up 5-25% out of acquiring grade in exam. Homework assignments support to your result for better position in marks. If you don't do your homework, you will see problems in exams. 

One thing is concerned that dull students never study thoroughly the textbook due which learning new materials prove main hurdle. Top students like to follow to learn examples in textbook, remind lectures of class, and follow the hints which were written in register or notebook.

  • They follow Google everything per hour.

Sometimes, students need to search out new concepts, they consult to Google explanation by thinking about professor of class who has already give you textbook questions or assignments to do at once. Intelligent Students never forget about blackboard examples but information even limited or unlimited, are touched at fingertips to search engine at every hour of study level. 

college class grade online

  • They like to focus exam mistakes as early as possible.

Student try to get attention to their mistakes even tiny or not and avoid in future to do such again. If they found any mistake in paper, they never ignore, they remember it in mind and make plan to get rid from serious mistakes. It is good experience that student never likes to delay for motivation for striking away as he does last thing as he wants to do willingly. 

foreign studey college

(Post by Sajid Khuram)

How To Be Top Student Quotes

"Why I am not a top student in class?" Ask yourself and wait for answer, you will see that something is missing by you that caused to put down of your prosperity in class.

college student

Important Things to do:

You just have to get ready your brain and body to learn in next step. In this way, you will stop to lose courage by deciding that you can do everything to fulfill the criteria of able student.  You should have to get lots of sleeping for taking a rest as you will be capable to study at next time. Some people need for minimum 08 to 09 hours sleeping duration but as soon as human becomes to overage, he will decrease sleeping hours. 

It is a cool idea to keep in mind that you should have to test strengthens yourself frequently to know immediate reaction for feedback and opine that you are able to something new. If mind test practice repeatedly happens, you will improve long term knowledge attitude shortly in due course of time. 
college education study

Do not read at once, but in bursts, you will learn that duration of study is short or long hour, unlike this, you focus nicely Rhythm. You have to become a reverse-engineer with the purpose to make a plan to solve issues manually. You should follow to memorize subject’s topics to find out solution of those troubles. 

Often, teacher in classroom highlights the outline of textbooks of your subjects but you are asking yourself "Why" in question:

Why this question is simple than other? 
Why derivative rules are followed up to get values?

An interconnection of ideas takes place in your subjects which are reasoned to be followed correctly. Please do not hesitate to highlight at your own from the textbook for searching of answers. Expectation highlighters always pick unique material of lesson from book of any subjects. Besides this, all paragraphs are to be concerned as important in reality of highlights, in this way they highlight all lines of page of textbook in their eyesight

what is education

To be top student, make habit to engage yourself every day by asking questions. Be marathon student and ask everything to experienced people to improve knowledge. When you ask, an answer will take place in your knowledge. If you have already listen about you also question yourself by thinking that “when am already I listened about that?” You will compare that it is useful or not. So, process of questioning asking is also useful tips to be top student in class or exams. 

Some professor will feel by you as boring lecture and you will not agree with him/her and try to run away from their talking about. But one thing is special that top students mark up from their speaking data of lectures. They walk in text book or out of textbook on the topic while making solution of lesson in class. Indeed, question are useful either it may be related or non-related.

Good students also choose old exams material already appeared in past papers as old exams are golden opportunity for success. They do it like appearing in examination hall and check it at own by marking grade to know their skills in papers

(Post by Sajid Khuram)

Thursday 5 May 2016

Don't Break My Heart!

Heartbroken-Heart attack also caused to hurt heart physically. (Science). 
heart hurt physically sorrow sad happiness weep

Words such as deepest sadness, sorrowful feelings, destructive depression, desperation lost happiness from beloved partner etc are utilized for a broken heart. Heartbroken happens when a terrible breakup passes throughout heart feelings and you cannot overcome on its cruel thing. So, Heart feels too much. 
Heart burning pain- a passion, feel like as Heart Attack.
In the light of the science researches, it noticed that heartbroken feelings also keep physical side effect of heart too and it found out that when time it happens with a man or woman? How is possible that there is pain in heart and then heart physically hurt too? Is it a stress about cardiomypathy condition? So, who feels deeply, causes a heart attack. As per newer researches in Science about atrial fibrillation, resulted out those stressors is totally involved for heart beat like as irregular pattern situation.  
Another research is made that what a beautiful human body having a natural connection between heart and mind! When mind receives bad or painful feelings body also takes notice in response. In shortly, It will presumed that feelings in mind are with mental state, human body also notice that and risked will be increased. 
Human body will react the bad news, potentially reasons against the happiness that is important. The man or woman is trapped willingly and causes to heartbroken as well as heart attack.
Hence, under the circumstances, try to decrease causes of heartbreak things by adopting habits of yoga, morning walk, favorite excellent hobbies etc. If you feel very much and your heart is near to be broken or you heart weeps, then take some deepest breath and be relaxed. Breathing will help to control heart attack or heartbroken because deeply breathing is a very simple action but early action is requested for best result. 
(Posted by Sajid Khuram)

Sunday 1 May 2016

Advantages of Advertising

What is advertisement?
advantages of advertising agency

Advertising is a service of marketing to sell or buy  products with the communication out of any source of media  between business company and people. Advertisement is a notice of announcement to promote services offered by professional companies.

Adds are released through different sources such as printing media or electronic media. Printing media group is making advertisements via magazine, newspaper, printing board, panaflex and Social Media is representing a lot of adds by the way of internet pages for example Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, RSS Feed, Google Plus etc. Electronic media is also helpful as Radio, FM, TV channels on Television to offer you online adds for the concerned purpose. 

Benefits of Advertisement.
There to many advantages of advertising even any source of adds for you. Media is playing a main role to express relevant trend of advertisement. Competition of advertising create a goal of success in lifestyle. Here are some well known benefits of advertising.

how to give adds on media
  •  Introduction of new arrival products in market.
  • Helpful to find out market dealer or easy way to find a map of shop.
  • Advertising always cause to increase sales of products easily.
  • Adds are proved a high competition between market value.
  • Advertising agencies support to become famous in public for example a person may be he is a star, singer, writer, managing director or host of any company.
  • Advertising maker works on adds by availing contacts on surface to sort out best way for shopping at market otherwise adds reflect products but in case non-availability of address, customer cannot find location about that.
disadvantages of advertising on media
  • Internet marketing causes to check out requisite product details easily and user being a custome can order online to shop at once by using credit card.
  • You have a authority to pick one out of thousands brands product at own without any force as it is easy to select requisite products. 
  • Advertising techniques are facts of more closer for business. 
  • Affiliate marketing is playing a model role for public interest.
  • You are not bound down to shop in any specific market to get any product. 
  • One benefit of advertising is also that a knowledge of things may increases capability of adds materiel.
  • Companies are  making best progress by advertising day by day. 
  • Online advertising has become a main source on internet or at the state of social media.
chart of business adds
Aforesaid benefits may useful for you but it also not to be ignored that if a company starts business and provides adds through print media, electric media or social media but in case, if company fails, all the adds are caused of wastage of money.

(Post By Sajid Khuram)  

improve eyesight-vision therapy

Vision therapy.
vision therapy

Vision Therapy is process of non-surgical customization struggle or doctor made instructions which are implemented to improve eyesight problems. To improve vision problems naturally or making exercising to get good change in eyesight, it can be described that a physical therapy is used for good vision of eyesight. 

To get benefit, eyeglasses and contact lenses are commonly used for fine result of eyesight because you have to use your eyes for everything to watch, to drive a car. However, after useful tricks to improve your eyesight, you will able to protect your peepers properly. 

sunglasses for eyesight vision

Vision Therapy to improve eyesight.

  • As per optometrists directions, certain food should be used for a good change in your eyes.
  • Sort out Vitamin C or vitamin E, zeaxanthin, from food which can help your eyes.
  • Nuts have most vitamin E as you know that vitamin E is good for your skin but helps your eyes.
  • we have already stated that smoking is bad for your health and similarly, smoking can damage your eyesight because smoking causes high blood pressure in your body which is terrible for your eyes. So, why you do not realize that smoking plays a role to become you blind person.
  • Summer season brings for you different sunglasses which is also fashion but you should know that sunglasses are also positive result for your eyes. To wear sunglasses, you will feel cool in your eyes.
  • Do you know when are playing in sunny summer or walking in winter, UV rays are leaving harmful rays to damage your vision. So, make habit to use sunglasses even you are swimming in pond or playing at glacier. 
  • Do not forget to get regular eye exams that will support good effect for your eye vision. May be you can see easily without glasses!
  • If you use contact lenses, at evening walk on grassy lawns without contact lenses or without glasses.
  • Get up early in the morning and try to clearly, deeply watching green view of fields on daily basis.
how to improve eyevision for greenry

To improve eye vision or a fine change in your look, a lot of methods cannot be narrated as it depends on your attention that what types of ways you will follow for vision therapy or improvement of eyes. It is also found in care about not closing with your T.V screening, not wandering in sunshine in summer, not walk bare footed or road.

(Post by Sajid Khuram)